Equipment availability

Main equipment of the elastic scattering station (dedicated to organic thin films/polymers )

Date :2024-11-05
Soft X-ray resonant scatterometer(RoSXS): specifications refer to the table below. This scatterometer has the characteristics of fast entry access door, sample arrays, large q range (sub-micron to 1nm scale), transmission/reflection mode, and in-situ heating and stretching etc.
Figure 6. RoSXS scatterometer (organic films/polymers) exterior(left) and internal view (right)
 Energy Range 150 ~ 1500 eV 
 Photon Flux@244eV 3×1012phs/s
 Beam Spotsize(H×V) /Divergence 1500×250 μm2/2mrad 
 Q range (carbon edge) 0.005-1.9nm-1 
 Vacuum 10-6mbar 
