Experimental Preparation
1. Experiment Reservation, please note the following rules:
A.Specify the type of experimental technique: For experiments other than single-crystal diffraction, such as GIWAXS, XAFS, and powder diffraction, please indicate this in the reservation notes; otherwise, it will be assumed to be single-crystal diffraction.
B.For unconventional experiments that involve changing the beamline equipment status, such as in-situ experiments, two conditions must be met:
① Technical Approval: During the reservation stage, describe the in-situ experimental conditions in detail in the reservation notes, communicate with the user manager to assess technical feasibility, and obtain approval.
② Experiment Registration**: In the safety review form, list all in-situ experimental equipment, samples, and reagents, and ensure the "Purpose" field includes the term "in-situ."
2. Submit the Experiment Safety Review Form
Please ensure that the types and quantities of samples, reagents, and equipment used in the experiment are truthfully declared. Undeclared items cannot be used in the experiment without prior approval.
3. Sample Preparation in Advance:
To improve safety and efficiency, samples for XAFS experiments must be prepared in advance, as sample preparation is not available onsite.
4. Experimental Consumables and Tools
To ensure the smooth progress of the experiment, users are required to bring their own consumables and tools.
