1)Imaging Methods
► Scanning transmission imaging -- 30 nm spatial resolution
► Dual energy contrast imaging -- 2D distribution and content of specific elements within a substance
► Energy stack imaging -- Spatial distribution of chemical states of elements
► Ptychography -- lensless imaging with better than 10nm resolution
► Nano-CT -- Nanoscale 3D imaging of samples and 3D distribution of elements
2)Spectroscopic Methods
► Total electron yield (TEY) spectroscopy -- Near-edge absorption spectra of elements, focusing on sample surface elements.
► Partial fluorescence yield (PFY) spectroscopy -- Near-edge absorption spectra of elements, focusing on low-content elements and bulk phase information
► Magnetic circular dichroism/linear dichroism (XMCD/XLD) -- Measurement of magnetic properties of samples
► Soft X-ray excited optical luminescence (XEOL) spectroscopy -- Combined with TEY for studying the luminescence mechanism of materials
3)Operating instructions
BL08U1A Users Manual.pdf (Download link)
STXM dimming brief tutorial.ppsx (Download link)
Experimental procedures for Soft X-ray spectromicroscopy.pptx (Download link)
4)Data processing
Software runtime environment installation file: IDL.zip (Download link)
Dual energy image processing software: Dual-Energy-Element-Distribution.sav (Download link)
Stack image processing software: stack_analysis.zip (Download link)
Documentation of data processing instructions: Spectromicroscopic data analysis.pptx (Download link)
English instructions on stack image processing: pca_gui_man.pdf (Download link)