Near-Ambient Pressure Photoelectron Spectroscopy End-station:
1. Experiment applications must strictly follow the beamtime application process of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, where applications are submitted with detailed descriptions of research background, objectives, plans, and required conditions. Upon approval, experiments should be conducted according to the approved plan.
2. Users should discuss their experimental plans in detail with the station staff prior to the experiment, and fill out the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility's experimental safety review form as per the approved beamtime (at least three days before the experiment). Deliberate concealment of sample information or experimental plans is prohibited, especially for samples that are easily contaminated or prone to degassing. Detailed pre-treatment methods for such samples should be listed to avoid contamination of the chamber.
3. At least one week before the experiment, inform the station staff of your sample information and experimental plans. Send your plans to the station staff and post them on the notice board at the station. Consult the staff if unsure and proceed only after obtaining permission.
4. Contact the end-station staff or duty personnel in advance of the official experiment to ensure that the requested conditions are scientifically reasonable. Bringing hazardous chemicals to the station is prohibited, and the facility does not provide gas storage areas. Samples and materials brought by users must be taken away at the end of the experiment and not disposed of indiscriminately.
5. Unauthorized testing of samples for external groups or conducting experiments outside the approved project plan is strictly forbidden.
6. Users must undergo training provided by the synchrotron and the experimental station before conducting experiments. Certain operations require specialized training (such as sample transfer, heating, gas introduction) and can only be performed after receiving training and authorization from the staff, with at least two persons present at the station at all times.
7. Respect the work of the station staff, and acknowledge the ME2 project (Grant No. 11227902) in your publications.
Photon In/Photon Out End-station:
1. Submit project reviews as required by the facility, clearly stating scientific questions, testing objectives, and requirements.
2. Identify the absorption edges of the elements to be measured and prepare potential reference samples for comparison. Look up relevant spectra in the literature for comparison.
3.Fill out the safety review form in the system.