(1) Preparation method for emission spectrum station samples:
a) The sample holder of the experimental station is a molybdenum (Mo) holder, with a size of 18mm×15mm. The testable samples include thin films, solids, or crystals. Powder samples should be pre-pressed, and the thickness of solid samples should be less than 5mm.
b) The testing environment is ultra-high vacuum (~1.0×10-8torr), and the sample should not be volatile and can maintain structural stability under soft X-ray irradiation. Toxic and radiation containing samples should be communicated with station personnel in advance and comply with the sample reporting, storage, and transportation requirements in the Safety Audit Form.
c) To measure the near edge absorption spectrum (TEY mode) of a sample, it is necessary for the sample to have a ground level of conductivity(upper and lower surface resistance<1MΩ). Samples being tested under room temperature are mounted with vacuum compatible adhesive tapes. Those with poor conductivity can be fixed with copper/silver tapes, while other samples are usually fixed with carbon tapes.

Figure 7. Layout of samples on the sample holder of the emission spectra station
The layout of samples on the sample holder is shown in Figure 7. It is recommended to use a 2×2 layout with a fluorescent powder scattered adhesive strip in the middle to indicate the position of the beam spot, making it easy to quickly align the sample. Leave at least 3mm of space on all sides to avoid being bumped off by the slot when inserting into the sample manipulator.
For temperature variation measurement, other sort of sample holder is used. Please check with station staff.