Beamline introduction

Beamline Introduction

Date :2024-12-04
The Protein Micro-crystallography beamline BL18U1, together with the crystallographic beamline BL19U1 for protein complex structures and the crystallographic beamline BL17B1 for high-throughput proteins, is a strategic component of the structural biology platform in the large research infrastructures of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in Pudong New District, Shanghai. The BL18U1 beamline was built from 2012 to 2014, commissioned in late 2014 and officially open for user service in March 2015. Since then, the beamline has been in continuous operation.
The BL18U1 Protein Micro-crystallography beamline uses U25 undulator as the light source, which has high brightness and beam collimation. The energy range is 5-18 keV, covering the the absorption edges of common heavy elements, such as the K absorption edge of Se, Br, Zn, Cu, Fe, the L absorption edge of Hg, Pt, and the wavelength of S anomalous scattering. 
The spot size at the sample point can reach 10μm in both horizontal and vertical directions. When the beam energy is 12 keV, the vertical divergence angle of the beam is 0.25 mrad and the horizontal divergence angle is 0.7 mrad, which can fully meet the requirements of various high-resolution experiments. For situations where a smaller beam divergence angle is required, further beam confinement can be achieved by tuning slits. 
The BL18U1 protein Micro-crystallography beamline can meet the data collection requirements for small crystals, and is also suitable for the collection and structural determination of various protein crystal data. The available experimental methods for crystal structure determination include multiple wavelength anomalous scattering (MAD), single wavelength anomalous scattering (SAD), molecular displacement (MR), isomorphic displacement (MIR) methods.

