Beamline introduction

Beamline Optical Layout

Date :2024-05-29

The optical layout of the Beamline is illustrated in the following Figure 1

Figure 1 The Optical Layout of BL18U1 Beamline

To generate a high-brilliance synchrotron beam in the energy range of 5-18 keV at an electron energy of 3.5 GeV, the U25 undulator with a period of 25 mm and 80 periods was selected as the light source for the BL18U1 protein micro-crystallographic beamline. The U25 undulator covers the energy range from 5 keV to 18 keV and is capable of detecting anomalous diffraction of S for the S-SAD phase method. The energy range also covers the K-absorption edges of Cr and Mn and the L-edges of I, Xe, Cs and Ba and has higher brightness and relatively lower heat generation.
