
Confined catalysis for precise control of chemical reactions

Date :2024-12-16

Bao et al. proposed the concept of "confined catalysis" and further expanded the research to interactions in two-dimensional interfaces and the microenvironment of active centers, investigating how these interactions modulate electronic energy states. They elucidated both experimentally and theoretically how the "confinement" effect maintains the active state of the catalytic system during the reaction process and sustains the inherent mechanism of the catalytic cycle. This led to a clear definition and systematic creation of the broadly significant and universal concept of "nano-confined catalysis," establishing a solid foundation for the precise control of chemical reaction performance and pathways. This work enriches and enhances the fundamental theory of catalysis and has driven the development of catalysis science and technology. The research was awarded the First Prize of the National Natural Science Award. Science, 328, 1141 (2010) Science 344, 616 (2014) 
