Experiment endstation 1 - ARPES
The Angular Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) Experimental Station
The ARPES experimental station is equipped with a Scienta DA30L electron energy analyzer and an integrated VLEED spin detector. It achieves efficient Fermi surface mapping through the Deflection spectrum acquisition mode, particularly suitable for small-sized or uneven-surfaced samples. The sample attitude adjustment is facilitated by a 6-axis open-loop cryogenic sample holder, incorporating 3 translational degrees of freedom and 3 rotational degrees of freedom, providing high-precision sample attitude manipulation for convenient measurements of large-scale electronic structures in momentum space. The lowest temperature near the sample can reach 4K, offering opportunities for research on low-temperature phase transitions in materials.
In terms of the vacuum system, the ARPES is equipped with a sample loading chamber, a transfer chamber, an annealing chamber, a sample preparation chamber, and a measurement chamber. The sample loading chamber reserves six sample parking positions. The annealing chamber allows for argon etching and annealing treatments of the sample surface. The sample preparation chamber is equipped with Low-Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) and K-cell for probing the surface structure and modulating electron doping of the sample.
The primary methods employed include UVU/Soft X-ray/Resonant ARPES.

Experiment endstation 2 - PEEM
PEEM, based on the photoelectric effect, provides a multi-mode experimental platform with high spatial resolution and chemical composition discrimination for studying the surface properties of solid materials. The core of the PEEM experimental station is the Elmitec PEEM system, which has been integrated with a high-performance energy analyzer. In addition to X-ray synchrotron radiation, the light sources used include mercury lamps and femtosecond lasers to meet various experimental requirements. Leveraging the temporal resolution capability of femtosecond lasers, the experimental station has realized ultrafast PEEM methods, satisfying the research demands for dynamic processes at surfaces and interfaces.
The primary methods: LEEM (Low-Energy Electron Microscopy), MEM (Microscopy and Microanalysis), LEED (Low-Energy Electron Diffraction), UV/X-ray/Laser-PEEM (Photoemission Electron Microscopy using Ultraviolet, X-ray, or Laser light), Spectroscopy.

Experiment endstation 3 - RIXS
RIXS is used for study the collective mode in solid materials, such as phonons, spin excitations, d-d transfer, charge transfer, ect.
RIXS endstation consist of the experimental sample chanmber system, the spectrometer. The main components includes the UHV sample chamber, crygenic sample manipulator, monochromator, X-ray CCD detector.
The primary methods : RIXS (Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering,RXES (Resonant X-ray Emission Spectroscopy,XAS (X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy)
