The current ARPES sample transfer system of "Dreamline" employs a 6-axis sample holder with a Flag sample holder. Prior to sample preparation, the sample holder needs to be ultrasonically cleaned to ensure it is free of grease and other contaminants. Users can prepare samples using the tools provided by the experimental station or their own tools. The station provides silver paste and vacuum sealant for fixing samples, as well as liquid graphite spray for coating the colloid. On the experimental table, the station offers aluminum rods, copper wires, and ceramic rods as sample cleavage pins for users to choose from. When preparing the sample, the end of the pin must be connected to the sample holder with copper wire to ensure that the pin does not fall into the main chamber during the cleavage process. All items that will be transferred into the vacuum chamber must be thoroughly cleaned with alcohol/acetone using ultrasonic cleaning and heated to over 100℃. Samples that could potentially release gas into the vacuum are strictly prohibited from experimentation.