Sample size should be kept in the millimeter range, requiring conductive single crystals or films.
Single Crystal Sample Preparation:
Since the experiment is conducted in an ultra-high vacuum environment, it is strictly forbidden to allow any substances that could potentially damage the vacuum environment into the chamber. Do not touch any experimental tools without wearing gloves. Experimenters should inform the beamline staff of the type of test sample and are prohibited from privately testing unauthorized samples.
1. Cleaning: Clean the sample holder and appropriately sized sample stage, ceramic rods, and copper wires. The general cleaning procedure is: ethanol – acetone – ethanol, each with ultrasonic cleaning for 10 minutes.
2. Indium Pressing: Cut an appropriately sized length of indium wire, place it between the sample holder and the sample stage, and tighten the threads between the sample stage and the sample holder.
3. Glue Preparation: Generally, vacuum silver glue (model: H220) is used, with a weight ratio of silver glue (B): adhesive (A) = 200:7. If the sample is difficult to dissociate, torr seal can be tried, with a volume ratio of A:B = 2:1.
4. Sample Gluing: Take an appropriate amount of prepared vacuum glue and apply it to the sample stage using a toothpick, then place the single crystal sample on the glue, ensuring the appropriate crystal plane and direction according to the crystal structure. If the crystal is small, the operation can be performed under an optical microscope. Then heat it on a heating table at 120°C until the glue solidifies.
5. Ceramic Rod Gluing: Take a cleaned, appropriately sized and length ceramic rod and glue it vertically above the sample using the same method. If the sample is strip-shaped, this step can be skipped, and the copper wire can be directly glued to the top of the sample in the next step. Similarly, heat at 120°C until the glue solidifies.
6. Copper Wire Gluing: Glue one end of the copper wire to the corner of the protrusion on the sample holder and the other end to the top of the ceramic rod or strip-shaped sample. This step is to prevent the sample from falling into the ARPES chamber and affecting the equipment. After gluing the copper wire, heat it at 120°C until the glue solidifies. Ensure that the silver glue on one end of the copper wire is applied to the corner of the protrusion to avoid issues when inserting the sample holder into the LoadLock and sample rack.
7. Graphite Spraying: Spray graphite on the surface of the sample holder after gluing the sample, then heat at 120°C for 30-60 minutes.
Film Sample Preparation:
To prevent damage to the sample surface, film samples generally need to be transferred to the Load-Lock via a vacuum transfer box. For installation of the vacuum transfer box and subsequent Load-Lock baking, arrangements need to be made in advance by contacting the beamline staff. Films can be glued to the sample holder with high-temperature silver glue or bonded with Ta wire. Additionally, film samples can be annealed in the vacuum processing chamber (Sputter chamber) or in the MBE, but beamline staff must be contacted in advance to explain and inform the film composition. Unauthorized sample transfer to the MBE chamber is strictly prohibited, and films containing elements with low saturated vapor pressure, such as Se, Te, etc., are strictly forbidden to enter the OMBE chamber. These films can only be annealed in the vacuum processing chamber.