Notice during your experiments
i. During the experiment, strictly abide by all kinds of experimental procedures and obey the arrangement of beamline staff on duty. Use the instruments and equipment in accordance with the operation manual, if the damage caused by violation of normal operation, the proposal applicant shall bear the corresponding responsibility.
ii. Perfusion of liquid nitrogen and operation of infrared microscopic systems shall be in strict accordance with the requirements. When using the cryotome, comply with the Operating Rules of the Cryotome.
iii. Food and drink are forbidden in the experimental area.
iv. During the experiment, the endstation computer and network shall not be used for operations unrelated to the experiment.
v. The equipment and tools used in the experiment shall be returned to the original position at the end of the experiment, and the staff on duty shall be informed.
vi. The experiment shall be completed within the allocated time to ensure the normal experiment of subsequent users.
vii. At the end of the experiment, keep the endstation clean and tidy, and ensure that the waste is cleaned out of the endstation in time.
viii. Use the data hard disk provided by the endstation to copy the data, and do not use your own mobile devices to connect to the experimental computer. Do not tamper with other users' experimental data.
