Science Highlights

A “Smart” Hollandite DeNOx Catalyst: Self-Protection against Alkali Poisoning

Date :2013-01-25



Keywords: alkali metals; biomass; catalytically active sites; heterogeneous catalysis; manganese oxide




Banish the villains to their own realm: Biomass has gained widespread attention as a renewable energy

source. However, commercial catalysts used in power plants (co-)fuelled by biomass are deactivated by the

alkali-rich flue gas (see graph, black line). In contrast, one of two types of active sites in a promising alkali-

resistant hollandite catalyst traps alkali-metal ions to free up the catalytically active sites for the reduction of

NO by NH3.The research was conducted at the SSRF beamline 14B1.

Zhiwei Huang, Xiao Gu, Wen Wen, Pingping Hu, Michiel Makkee, He Lin, Freek Kapteijn, Xingfu Tang

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 660-664  



