1、High-output solution small-angle X-ray scattering
A flow cell made of a cylindrical quartz capillary with a diameter of 1.5 mm and a wall thickness of 10 μm is used in the BL19U2. This cell is embedded in a temperature-controlled copper holder block and sealed by O-rings. Two motorized x–z stages are employed to serve as the sample cell unit holder and sample storage plate. A syringe pump is used to pump samples and cleaning solutions into the cell. Typically, samples with a volume between 50 and 60 μl are delivered to the capillary for continuous-flow SAXS measurements, which can significantly reduce the effects of X-ray radiation damage.
2、BioSAXS combined inline sample purification system
A commercial high-performance liquid chromatographyand multi-angle and dynamic light scattering detection devices were installed inline on BL19U2. The combination of multi-angle light scattering analysis with SAXS provides an effective way to assess mass fraction or molar mass and helps to obtain more biophysical parameters for eluting samples. Moreover, the DLS detector can be selectively linked into the system to help acquire the hydrodynamic radius and evaluate the homogeneity of samples. Data collection is triggered after sample injection. The eluted solution continuously flows through the exposure cell, thus effectively reducing the risk of radiation damage.