Scientific Scope

X-ray diffraction Beamline at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) focuses on the fields of materials science and condensed matter physics, with polycrystalline powders, surfaces and interfaces of thin films/ultrathin films, and microstructures of nano-materials as its main research targets.

Beamline Layout and Specifications
The optical structure of the diffraction line station is mainly equipped with three key optical elements from the considerations of energy resolution, high harmonic suppression, etc., which are the super-ring mirror (focusing in the horizontal direction and collimating in the vertical direction), the double flat crystal monochromator and the rear focusing mirror (focusing in the vertical direction). The beamline indicators are listed in the table below:
Main equipment of the Endstations: Huber 5021 six-circle diffractometer, parallel plate ionisation chamber, Bede point detector, surface detection system: Mar345/MarCCD, Mythen 1k line detector system. 
Data Acquisition and Analysis
(1) X-ray reflectivity measurements(XRR)
It has a unique and wide range of applications in the study of thin/ultrathin film surfaces, multilayer film interface roughness, superlattices and δ-doped structures. 
(2) High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction (HR-XRD)
Improved ability to refine data and resolve crystal structures. 
(3) Grazing incidence angle X-Ray diffraction(GIXRD)
Mainly used for the measurement of the external/internal/surface structure of thin film samples.
(4) Grazing incidence wide angle X-ray scattering(GIWAXS)
GIWAXS is mainly used to obtain information on the shape, size and distribution of scatterers in the surface layer of a sample by grazing X-rays onto the surface of the sample in the vicinity of a range of angles close to the total reflection angle.
(5) RSM(reciprocal space mapping)
The inverse easy space mapping measurement can observe the information such as deformation near the inverse easy lattice point, and it is one of the important methods for strain studies such as thin films and epitaxial growth.
For the study of material fabrication, mosaic structure, epitaxial film-substrate co-lattice relationship, etc.