A 6-circle diffractometer with a 3D sample stage, which can bear a weight of up to 30 kg. The diffractometer is currently equipped with a scintillator detector (Huber 9910), which can detect photon with energy in the range of 5~100 keV. Si (111) is currently used as analyzer crystal for HR-XRD experiments. A flat panel detector (iRay Mercu1717V) is used for two dimensional diffraction and PDF experiments.
Flat panel detector
A X-ray emission spectrometer (Johann type, with a Roland circle of 1000 mm diameter) is equipped for high-resolution emission/absorption spectroscopy experiments. Currently, analyzer crystals such as Ge (111), Ge (110), Ge (331), Si (111), Si (220), Si (331), and Si (620) are available. The system is equipped with Pilatus 3X 100K-M and Vortex EX 90 SDD detectors. A multi-dimensional sample stage can bear a weight of up to 15 kg is also provide. A Lytle ionization and multiple gas ionization chambers is used for routine fluorescence and transmission mode XAS. A HPGe solid-state detector (Canberra, 25 arrays) is also availble.
X-ray emission spectrometer
HPGe detector
A KB mirror focusing system with Rh and Pt dual coatings on the mirror surface is used for acquiring microbeam with photon energy within 3~35 keV. The system is equipped with a multidimensional sample stage and a Pilatus 2M detector for two-dimensional microbeam diffraction experiments.
KB mirror focusing system
Pilatus 2M detector