Scientific Scope
Radioactive Materials Beamline (BL13SSW) is a dedicated beamline involving radioactive materials such as fundamental radiochemistry and nuclear waste disposal. A radioactive sample experimental environment including sample radiation detection and monitoring, storage room and ventilation system is built along with the beamline.  It provides featured experimental methods including high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HR-XRD), high-resolution X-ray emission spectroscopy (HR-XES). It also can provide routine XRD, X-ray absorption spectrum (XAS) and microbeam characterization methods.
Beamline Layout
The beamline can work in focusing mode (5~35 keV) and non-focusing mode (5~50 keV). In the non-focusing mode, the collimating mirror and focusing mirror will be removed out from the beam route.
Tunable energy range 5-50keV
Energy resolution 2.2×10-4@20keV Si(111)
Beam size (H×V) 384×315μm2; 11×14μm2(mcirobeam)@20keV Si(111)
Photon Flux 3.3×1012/s; 5.8×1010/s(mcirobeam)@20keV Si(111) @300mA
Sample activity ≤1.85 GBq/Sample (α and β emission)
≤185 MBq/Sample (γ emission)
HR-XRD Resolution 0.0087° @20keV, 2θ=12.11°
HR-XES Resolution 2.8eV@13.618keV
There are 3 experimental spots, i.e. the diffraction, spectroscopy and microbeam spot from upstream to downstream in a single experimental hutch.
At the diffraction spot, HR-XRD, routine one dimensional and two dimensional XRD, Pair distribution function (PDF) analysis.
At the spectroscopy spot, HR-XES, X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) in transmission mode and fluorescence mode, X-ray fluorescence (XRF).
At the microbeam spot, microbeam XRD (μ-XRD).
Data Acquisition and Analysis
The beamline control and data acquisition software are developed using EPICS in Linux operation system, and the graphical user interface (GUI) is based on CSS-BOY. In addition, Python language had also been applied in order to implement complex control logic. Related data processing software include ImageJ、Fit2d、Dioptas for X-ray diffraction, Athena and Hephaestus for X-ray absorption, Albula and Fit2d for microbeam diffraction.