Beamline introduction

Scientific Scope

Date :2024-05-29
The scientific objective of "Dreamline" is to achieve ultra-wide energy coverage (20-2000eV) and ultra-high energy resolution (25meV@867eV), while organically integrating three experimental stations - Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES), Photoemission Electron Microscopy (PEEM), and Resonance Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) - with the beamline to create an excellent soft X-ray experimental environment. ARPES is the only experimental technique that can directly obtain information on the direction, velocity, and scattering process of the valence band electrons near the Fermi level in reciprocal space. It is suitable for studying strongly correlated electron systems (such as superconductivity and graphene), spintronics (topological insulators, anomalous quantum Hall effect, and magnetic materials), nanostructures, and nanomaterials. PEEM dynamically analyzes the structures of these materials in real space with high spatial resolution. Meanwhile, RIXS can be used to measure the electronic structure information of materials' conduction bands, valence bands, and low-energy excited states, such as dd (or ff) electron transitions, charge transfer, and magnetic excitations, thereby studying phenomena like charge transport, magnetism, superconductivity, and electron-phonon interactions.



    Beamline Layout