Experimental Process
After the sample holder reaches the measurement position, the beamline shutter can be opened to start the experiment. The steps are as follows:
1. Open the manual valve between the beamline pipe and the main chamber (usually already open).
2. Open the light shutter by pressing and holding the buttons in the sequence. The red light will illuminate, indicating that the light shutter is open. (To close the light shutter, press and hold the green buttons in sequence.)
• Temperature Control: The temperature range of the sample holder is 6K-340K. The cooling capacity is controlled by turning the needle valve of the liquid helium Dewar. Looking from the top down, turning clockwise opens the valve wider, while turning counterclockwise closes it. Approximately 180° of rotation achieves maximum cooling capacity. The sample holder is equipped with a built-in heating function, which can be controlled by a temperature controller or control software. For large temperature increases, staged heating (with intervals of 20K) is required. During this process, gases are released, requiring the main chamber vacuum to be no worse than 2.0 × 10-10 Torr. If the heating function is insufficient to reach the desired temperature, the needle valve should be opened slightly to reduce the cooling capacity.
• Switching Polarization: The Dreamline can achieve three different polarization states: horizontal, vertical, and circular polarization. These can be switched by adjusting the polar mode in the DEPU.
• Switching EPU: The EPU148 is used in the low-energy region, while the EPU58 is used in the high-energy region. The EPU should be selected based on the Photon Energy vs. EPU Gap relationship table. Before switching the EPU, first switch the polarization to LH, then adjust the Gap value of the current EPU to its maximum (EPU148 max is 118, EPU58 max is 160), close the light shutter, and call the central control room for remote switching.
• Switching Gratings: Use grating1 for photon energies below 250eV and grating2 for energies above 250eV. Switching can be done in the Mono, but the light shutter should be closed before switching.
• Switching Photon Energy: The photon energy of BL09U can be varied from 22eV to 2000eV. To switch the energy, adjust the Gap value of the EPU according to the Photon Energy vs. EPU Gap relationship table and change the photon energy in the Mono. Note that when crossing the 250eV threshold, the grating should be switched at a higher energy level before and after the switch to avoid open-loop conditions caused by the monochromator grating and plane mirror hitting the limit. For example, when switching from 100eV to 300eV, switch the grating at 300eV, and vice versa. Additionally, when performing ARPES experiments, the selected photon energy must not exceed the energy range specified by the ARPES analyzer lens table to prevent damage to the MCP detector of the analyzer.
• Adjusting Monochromatic Exit Slit: Users can adjust the light intensity by adjusting the opening size of exit slit. The maximum adjustment range is Y: size motion = 100-400 microns, with 200 microns recommended.