Scientific Goal
The X-ray Test beamline is the beamlines built in the second phase project of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF). This is a beamline specifically designed for testing new developments in optics and detector technology and for trialling new experimental techniques. The beamline operates in the 4-30 keV photon energy range and has flexible and versatile beam modes, which can provide unfocused white beam, collimated white beam, unfocused monochromatic beam, focused white beam, and focused monochromatic beam.
Beamline Layout
Fig1. BL09B beamline layout
Fig2.  Operational Modes
 Energy range 4-30 keV 
 Energy resolution(ΔE/E) 3.95× 10-4@10keV 
 Beam size 0.3×0.36mm2(@10keV) Focused 
 Flux@10keV 3.6×1011phs/s  (@10keV, 300mA) 
Experimental stations
Fig 3. Experimental stations
1)Optics and equipments testing
Repeatability accuracy of Bragg axis; Stability of the position/direction of the outgoing beam; Energy resolution and flux stability; Thermal deformation;
Rocking curve; Orientation of high index crystal; Effects of polishing, corrosion, asymmetric cutting, etc;
►Reflective mirror, multilayer mirror:
Reflectivity; Geometric parameters of multilayer mirror;
►Bending mechanism:
Focusing effect; Beam position/directional stability;
►Monochromatic beam slit:
Blade shape and parallelism; Unidirectional motion positioning accuracy;
►Beam position detector:
Measurement accuracy/resolution calibration; Repeatability and stability;
►Diffraction methods:
a) X-ray high-resolution diffraction (Δ E/E=10-6);
b) High energy Laue X-ray diffraction;
c) White beam experiments, e.g. Microfocused Laue diffraction;
►Imaging methods:
a) Diffraction enhanced imaging;
b) Rapid imaging using white beam;
c) X-ray Wavefront Metrology;