Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM)
Basic principle of STXM: X-rays are focused on the sample by a ZP/OSA and scanned across the sample point by point in the plane perpendicular to the optical axis. The downstream PMT detector records the transmitted light intensity point by point to obtain a 2D image of the sample with a resolution of up to 30 nm.
STXM principle and light path diagram
Nanocarriers assist drug penetration inside tumors [Advanced Materials 2016, 28, 8950]
Dual energy contrast imaging
Dual-energy contrast ratio elemental analysis method: Analyzing the STXM 2D imaging at the absorption edge and at the pre-edge energy to get the 2D distribution of a certain element.
Energy stack imaging method (Spectromicroscopy)
In this method, a series of 2D imaging of a sample at a series of energy points near the absorption edge of an element is performed. After alignment, normalization, PCA analysis, and reference spectrum fitting of these 2D images (image stack), the quantitative spatial distribution of the chemical states of the element and the corresponding absorption spectra can be obtained.
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1, 1709
Principle of energy stack imaging analysis method
Biotransformation of cerium nanoparticles in cellular tissues. Stack imaging revealed that the chemical composition of the needle-like nanoclusters was cerium phosphate, confirming the transformation of cerium dioxide nanoparticles. This is the first time that cerium dioxide nanoclusters have been found and demonstrated to be able to be transformed in biological systems, providing important information for the evaluation of the ecotoxicology of cerium dioxide nanoclusters. [ACS Nano 2012, 6, 9943]
TEY spectrocopy
After the X-photon strikes out the inner-shell electron, a valence orbital electron returns to the inner-shell cavity, and the released energy excites another valence electron to the free state, generating ohmic or secondary electrons with yields as high as 99 percent.
XMCD/XLD spectroscopy
Depending on the difference in the absorption response of the material to different circularly/linearly polarized X-ray, the difference in the absorption spectra of the different polarized light is obtained, which can be used to characterize the spin/magnetic or electrical properties of the material.
XMCD principle schematic
BL08U1A is the first to realize the measurement of orbital effects of electrically regulated electrons, revealing new mechanisms of electrically regulated magnetic effects based on orbital reconfiguration. [Progress in Materials Science 2017, 87, 33]
Scanning coherent diffractive imaging (Ptychography)
By replacing the detector of STXM with a CCD and scanning the samples with overlapping, combined with an iterative phase retrieval reconstruction algorithm, the high-resolution ptychography imaging can be realized with a resolution of 5-10 nm. BL08U1A endstation has successfully established this experimental method, which improves the spatial resolving capability of the Shanghai Light Source from 30 nm to 8 nm, and reduces the imaging dose to 1/12 that of the conventional STXM technology. The comprehensive performance of our ptychography platform is among the best ones in the world. [J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2017, 849, 012033]
Comparison of ptychography PCDI) and STXM results of the star pattern (left and middle panels), as well as the resolution analysis of the PCDI image (right panel), yielding a resolution of 8.1 nm.
Virtual depth scan ptychography of a thick carbon fiber sample
The sample does not need to be rotated, only a set of 2D scanning CDI data is required to be acquired, and then the fast 3D imaging of thick samples can be realized through the virtual depth scanning ptychography method. [Optics Express 29, 16214 (2021)]
Virtual depth scan imaging results of a carbon fiber thick sample showing structures at different depths (1 μm, 19.1 μm, 25.2 μm, 34.3 μm, 38.9 μm and 45.0 μm). The 2D resolution reaches 9 nm and the depth resolution is about 0.65 μm.
During reconstruction, the virtual multislice in the sample is sequentially moved across the sample in the beam direction.
X-ray nano-CT
Rotating the sample and imaging the sample by STXM at multiple angles, and then computerized tomographic reconstruction of the 2D images at each angle results in a 3D image of the sample.
This beamline combines chemical element identification and 3D structural imaging of samples to realize characterization of sample 3D structures and element 3D distribution at nanoscale.
Recognition uptake and intracellular localization of metallofullerol Gd@C82(OH)22 by immune cells [IUCrJ 2018, 5, 141]

3D nano-imaging of an adherent immune cell (left) and 3D distribution of intracellular Gd elements (right).
Soft X-ray fluorescence absorption spectroscopy (PFY)

Fluorescence yield absorption spectroscopy (PFY): After the X-photon strikes out an electron in the inner shell, a valence orbital electron returns to the inner shell cavity, and at the same time release another X-photon (with a slightly lower energy), which is the fluorescent photon. The yield of fluorescence for soft X-rays is about 1%. Advantage: low element-content samples, more bulk phase information of the sample. 

  Schematic diagram of fluorescence yield absorption spectroscopy
  Soft X-ray fluorescence absorption spectra are collected in PFY mode. The PFY measurement system consists of an SDD, a data acquisition electronics device (PX5), an in-vacuum adjustable stand, vacuum leads, and vacuum connection flanges. The internal configuration of the chamber is shown in the right figure, with the incident soft X-rays at an angle of about 45 degree to the sample. The sample is also at about 45 degree to the SDD probe.
  Reactivity regulation of lithium-rich oxide cathode materials
Lithium-rich manganese-based layer-like oxide cathode materials have attracted much attention due to advantages such as high specific capacity. In this study, a three-in-one lithium-rich oxide material modification strategy is proposed, which integrates LiSnO3 capping, Sn doping and spinel heterostructure. This strategy can significantly improve the oxygen ion redox activity and reversibility and reduce the irreversible release of oxygen. Meanwhile, the Coulombic efficiency, specific capacity, multiplicity characteristics and cyclability are all greatly improved. The O-K edge XAS in fluorescence mode demonstrated that the materials containing oxygen vacancies and spinel structure enhanced the reversibility of anion redox. This study is an important guide for improving the electrochemical performance of anode materials。[Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 1806706]
Soft X-ray excited optical luminescence (SXEOL) spectroscopy
XEOL detects photons in the ultraviolet to near-infrared wavelengths (200-900 nm) emitted during the de-excitation process of a sample after it has been excited by X-rays. The combination of XEOL and TEY is of great advantage in the study of the valence and conduction bands of semiconductors, such as the bandgap, the defective states and the energy transfer process.
2D XEOL-TEY spectral image
The PLY and TEY spectra of nano-ZnO at O K-edge
Magnetic imaging technique
Adjusting the polarization direction of the X-rays, scanning transmission imaging of the sample with right and left circularly polarized light, respectively, and subtracting the two images, the magnetic domain microscopic image is thus obtained.
(A-C) STXM micrographs of circular, square, and triangular magnetic microstructures, respectively, and the scale of each figure is 2 um; (D-F) are the magnetic domain distributions in the three structures simulated by micromagnetism. The red dots in (G-H) denote the horizontal magnetization intensities (HMI) of the points on the red circles in (A-C); and blue dots denote the HMIs of the corresponding positions in (D-F). [Acta Physica Sinica 64, 197502 (2015)]
Comparison of magnetic domain imaging by ptychography (left and middle) with that by STXM (right), showing that ptychography further improves the resolution of magnetic domain imaging.
New STXM endstation
The self-constructed new STXM endstation has successfully realized high-resolution (30nm) imaging, and the scanning imaging efficiency has been improved by ten times compared with the old endstation through the bidirectional scanning technology and FPGA timing control scheme. [J. Synchrotron Rad. 2021, 28, 512]
New STXM chamber appearance, internal structure and control interface
New STXM star pattern imaging (30nm innermost stripe) and large field of view imaging of cancerous tissue (86um x 76um, 25nm step)