  • Nano-ARPES
    The production of large-area twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) with controllable angles is a prerequisite for proceeding with its massive applications. However, most of the prevailing strategies to fabricate twisted bilayers face great challenges, where the transfer methods are easily stuck by interfacial contamination, and direct growth methods lack the flexibility in twist-angle design.
    Single-crystal Fe3O4(001)/MgO(001) films of different thicknesses have been studied by the XMCD method, and it is found that spin-polarization values close to the theoretical results are found in Fe3O4 films 20 nm thick, while the spin-polarization is maximal at film thicknesses of 40 nm. A series of results suggests that it is not lattice mismatch, but rather the opposite phase domain boundaries that reduce the spin polarization.
  • Methodology
    The SSRF BL07U: Spatial-resolved and Spin-resolved ARPES and Magnetism Beamline was officially opened to users from January 2022. In the more than two years so far, we have continuously improved the experimental efficiency, enrichment the experimental conditions, and the experimental capability according to the users' demands and combined with the actual situation of the Shanghai Light Source, and the main achievements so far are: 1) To achieve the function of monochromator- undulator oscillation cooperation, which the monochromator scans at each energy corresponds to the maximum flux when measuring the absorption spectrum. (2) To accomplish the pump-probe experimental method, which can synchronize accelerator clock signal at the experimental station.