FTIR Spectrometer: Bruker VERTEX 80v (Spectral range:10-10000 cm-1)
Beamsplitter: Si, KBr, CaF2
Detector: DTGS, MCT, InGaAs, Si-Bolometer
In-situ Accessory:
a.Oxford low-temperature instrument: The temperature is varied from room temperature to 4 K.
b.High-temperature high-pressure (HTHP) cell: The experimental measurement is from room temperature to 800 °C (under vacuum conditions). The pressure is varied from vacuum (0.003 Torr) to 1000 psi for all the in situ reaction studies.
c.HTHP Diffuse Reflectance Accessory: The experiment of diffuse reflectance is measured from room temperature to 800 °C, and the pressure ranges from vacuum (0.001 Torr) to 500 psi.
IR Microscope: Bruker Hyperion3000
A Bruker IR microscope is equipped with 4× visible objective, 15× and 36× IR/visible objectives. Furthermore, it is equipped with grazing angle incidence IR (GIR) objective, ATR objective, diamond anvil cell, mid-infrared polarizer, and a MCT detector (650–10000 cm–1).
In-situ Accessory:
Linkam Temperature Controlled stage (THMS600) is equipped for the IR microscope with a minimum temperature of –196 ℃ and maximum temperature of 600 ℃.
The IR SNOM: (Bruker nano IR3)
The QCL laser: 908 cm-1 – 1668 cm-1.
A MCT detector: 600 – 10000 cm-1.
The other Accessory
a.LEICA freezing microtome.
b.LEICA optical microscope.