EXAFS of Al at the Photon In/Photon Out End-station plays a crucial role in studying the cross-linking structure within solid-state electrolytes. The related research findings were published in Advanced Materials.

Figure. Characterization of species containing Al. (a) HAADF-STEM images of H0TP, (b) H1TP, and (c) H10TP; (d) K-edge XANES spectrum of Al and (e) Fourier-transformed EXAFS spectra of Al, Al2O3, H0TP, H1TP, and H10TP; (f) Solid-state 27Al MAS NMR of Al2O3, H1TP, and H10TP.
Wenda Bao, Yue Zhang, Lei Cao, Yilan Jiang, Hui Zhang, Nian Zhang, Ying Liu, Pu Yan, Xingzhi Wang, Yixiao Liu, Haoyuan Li, Yingbo Zhao, Jin Xie. An H2O-initiated Crosslinking Strategy for Ultrafine-Nanoclusters-Reinforced High-Toughness Polymer-In-Plasticizer Solid Electrolyte. Advanced Materials, 2023, 35, 2304712.